The basic doctrines within the Refuge Detroit Church Confession of Faith represent what we believe to be core elements of biblical teaching.

  • God has made Himself known in the universe He has made, in the Scriptures, and most fully in Jesus Christ, the God-man.

  • There is one God eternally existing as one being (essence) and three distinct Persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, each of whom is fully God, yet there is one God.

  • Every human has been created in the image of God and also corrupted by the rebellion and consequences of sin. Therefore all possess God-given dignity and worth and also guilt, shame, and brokenness that each is powerless to change.

  • Human rebellion has left people rightly condemned and the whole created order cursed, broken and in need of rescue. A person can only be rescued from the condemnation and curse by God’s free gift of grace received through faith in Christ alone.

  • The universal church is made up of every Christian that ever lived or will live. A local church is a group of Christians who commit to honor Jesus together, under the Word, through the ordinances, and through obeying God’s commands to the church, discipling each other and the world and representing the eternal church in a particular time and place.

  • God and God alone rightly deserves and demands the authentic worship of every person, not according to our emotions, imaginations or traditions, but through Jesus Christ, and according to the instruction of Scripture.

  • Jesus is King over everything. We should live like it, while we wait for the day of his return to set up his visible, perfect, unending kingdom.

  • We don’t know every detail, but Jesus is coming back to end the world and set up his kingdom; if you welcome Him as King now, that’s good news and if not, that’s terrifying news.

  • Every disciple is a disciple-maker and missionary, called and equipped to reach neighbors and nations with the gospel message.

  • Because everything we have belongs to God and is from God, everything we have should be generously used for God’s kingdom and purposes in and beyond the local church.

*We expect all members of Refuge Detroit Church to affirm these doctrines



We are deeply committed to the spiritual & moral equality of male & female and to men as responsible servant- leaders in both home and church.

God’s Sovereignty in Salvation

We enthusiastically embrace the sovereignty of God’s grace in saving sinners.

*We do not expect all members to embrace all aspects of our distinctives, but the distinctives will be maintained in all ministries at Refuge Detroit. Members are not permitted to teach contrary to them. All elders/pastors/deasons must affirm these destinctives.